Monday, June 29, 2009

Thanks to all who commented! I got some insights. However, sorry, publisher didn't any as is. She sorta a little liked the middle one, if I retool it.

So here's a new painting. Has nothing to do with a cover.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ideas for new covers. (All previous were rejected.)


Roman Numeral V)


You know the drill. Please vote please please.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hannah and the Ill-fitting Wig

Hannah has dirty
I tell you through

the open window. She is
a dirty blonde.

shake your head at me,
pushing your shopping

cart as your yellow
lab trudges ahead,

his heavy belly
bobbing from side

to side. You start
to sing about the flag

again, adjusting your
flowered hat, leaving

paper petals with
every unsteady step.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Sometimes I feel Nostalgia
for Places I was Miserable

Everyone operates out of fear. With her
hands, she opens up a hole in the earth

near the roots of the big maple. She lays
a silent bluebird in the hole, pats it.

In the movie version, she places a dried
geranium over the bird's eye -- its head

is tipped to one side, so only the left
eye is showing. Are you feeling

especially needy today?
She brushes
leaves over the hole, then rubs

her palms on the thighs of her jeans.
In the movie version, she's wearing

a patchwork skirt. Does this mean
everyone should be forgiven?

Above, the fabulous Bob (not me) at Bowery Poetry.