Monday, December 10, 2007

The reading on Sunday was interesting. I've never had a question and answer period after a reading, and the MC asked me to give one so... I now understand quite throughly that many people want poetry to rhyme. Yes, that was made clear.

But hey, I got paid to read! That's never happened before, unless I got paid in buttons and bottle caps.

Here's me before I got on the subway to go to the reading.  The two glowing eyes at the bottom are from the alien I bought last week at the hardware store:


Anonymous said...

Is that your real hair?

Valerie Loveland said...

You always have the cutest hair and clothes!

Christine E. Hamm, Poet Professor Painter said...

Valerie -- thanks! I spend way too much time picking out clothes for readings -- but I did get fan mail afterwards mentioning, in particular, my pretty dress and necklace. So if they notice that, who cares about the poetry.

Talia -- does she or doesn't she? And what is the nature of "real", really?

Anonymous said...

Well, you look gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

killer dress, poetry diva. i spy a little boston in the background as well. congrats on your new alien life form. watch out for mothership transmissions.
glad to hear the reading went well (and that there's still the quaint notion of rhyming po)

Jesse said...

for a split second, i thought the dress patterning was a tattoo. of course, in the spheres, that was the desired effect ;-)

also the pleasant demeanor is warming

Cheryl B. said...

Cute dress. Cute alien. Rhyming poetry - not so cute.

Christine E. Hamm, Poet Professor Painter said...

Yeah. Rhyming poetry. Popular with some folks.

Brooke said...

Ok, you look great. And I love that necklace.