Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Yay! It's been a long time since I got one of these, like I did today:


We are quite pleased to be publishing your poem "Qualities of Sugar"
in the next issue of Block magazine. The issue should hit the streets
June 26th and will be available on the website the week prior.

Nadxi Mannello

Open Mag Editor
Block Magazine

Oh, what am I bitching about? Wasn't I just bragging about having my chapbook accepted? But that was two WEEKS ago!

I'm struggling with my mission/ proposed project statement for the residencies I'm applying for. Poems about animals and food -- uh, what is, things that you eat, or that eat you?!!


Ivy said...

That's great news about the acceptance! Hurrah!

Good luck with your applications! I'll cross my fingers for ya.

Christine E. Hamm, Poet Professor Painter said...

Thanks, Ivy.

One of my friends just got turned by MacDowell.

(nervous biting of nails)