Thursday, November 14, 2002

So today was good news. I am! too! enthusiastic! First off, I found out that I was short-listed for the Alsop's Review poetry prize. This is very big deal. To the few amount of people who know what I'm talking about. Then the editor of Alsop's asked me, asked me, asked me (I feel like a Benny Hill sketch: What's that in the road ahead? What that in the road, a head?) if he could publish the poem that had almost won. Uh,


Alsop's Octavo Quarterly, where my poem is going to be published, has also published Kim Addonzio and Dorriane Laux, both of whom I just started liking a few months ago when I was looking for interesting poems for my class.

So this is in the plus category.

And, furthermore, meanwhile, back at the ranch, later that same day: Sex and Guts accepted one of my pieces, and the editor said my work, "broke [his] heart." Heh.

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