Sunday, March 12, 2006

Good news! Amy King of MiPOesias solicited a submission from me; I'm so flattered.

Every Mother’s Worst Fear

when my mother was pregnant with me
she craved a pound of strawberries every day
her breast milk turned pink

she sold her milk to herbalists in Chinatown
for 100 dollars an ounce
she bought a silk stroller
embroidered with pictures of Elmo

she dreamt I had a tail
she couldn’t stop crying

meteors hit the Ukraine
the night I was born
the craters still glow green
during the winter

my first word was no
before I could walk I liked to sit quietly
in the corner facing the wall
and climb into the ceiling
when no one was looking
mother knocked me down with a broom

I go barefoot everywhere
holes sometimes appear
in the sidewalk where I place my feet

1 comment:

Arbitrary Polarities said...

Poetry that holds my interest - what a rare treat! Thank you!