Monday, July 24, 2006

Feeling Better. I'm no longer hacking pieces of my broken aqua lung.

And I haven't been writing, but I made three mixed media pieces I'm pretty proud of.
Yeah, I'm getting alot of mileage out of my swallow stencil. And I got some really cool bird images from Aleah, who thanked me for blurbing her new poetry book, Badlands. You should really check it out; it's splendid!

Here's the collage/painting things:


Radish King said...

The last reminds me of Cooper Edens.

Aleah Sato said...

Thanks so much for the mention. And I love these - you really should consider making a handmade book.

Amanda Auchter said...

I LOVE, LOVE the last one (not that the others aren't amazing!) You should sell these!

Christine E. Hamm, Poet Professor Painter said...
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Christine E. Hamm, Poet Professor Painter said...

Radish-- hmmm. I'm looking him up right now. I felt weird about that one because it seemed to lack a central point of interest, or narrative -- if you know what I mean. I felt it was a little wallpaper-y. But since you like it, it must be good. ;)

Aleah -- you're welcome, I hope you make a million sales. Thanks for the words about my pics, but why, "handmaid", when there's always lulu?

Amanda-- thanks. Everyone likes the last one best from the photos. but in person I think the other two are better. I need a good scanner.

Aleah Sato said...

Because w/ lulu you can't sell the books as limited edition works of art, and that's what they would be. :-) Each re-worked book would be a one-of-a-kind, right?

Keep at it.

Lyrically speaking said...

Nice, great blog, truly inspiring